Following the Quran and Authentic Sunnah with the understanding of the Salaf-us-Saalih
On the authority of Aboo Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, from the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam, that he said, Al-Islaam started strange, and will again return strange as it started, so Toobaa is for the Strange ones. In another narration, it was said, Oh messenger of Allaah, who are the Strange ones? He said, Those who rectify when the people have corrupted," and in another wording, Those who rectify what the people have corrupted from my sunnah.

It is reported that there was a young man who was from the people of knowledge who used to put himself forward, speak and behave haughtily with his knowledge in front of those older than him. This angered Sufyân [Al-Thawrî] and he said, The Salaf were never like this; they never used to claim leadership, or sit at the head of the gathering until they had sought this knowledge for thirty years, and you act haughty in front of those who are older than you. Get up, I never want to see you even come close to my circle. Al-Bayhaqî, Al-Madkhal ilâ Al-Sunan Al-Kubrâ 2:74, sayings of the salaf

Shaykh Rabee' al-Madkhalee said,
"And the time of narrations ended in the third generation.
So why did Ibn Taymiyyah raise the banner of criticism (an-naqd) and the banner of al-Jarh wat-Ta'deel?!
Likewise, so did adh-Dhahabee, Ibnul-Qayyim, Ibn Katheer, Ibn Hajr and others and they will continue until the Day of Judgement!
As long as there is this fight between the truth and falsehood and between the guidance and misguidance and between the people of the truth and falsehood and between the people of guidance and the misguidance, then it is inevitable that the swords of criticism and al-Jarh wat-Ta'deel be unsheathed against the people of falsehood!"
Refer to As'ilah Abee Rawaahah al-Manhajiyyah (p. 26)
O you who believe! If you obey and fear Allâh, He will grant you Furqân (a criterion to distinguish between truth and falsehood), and will expiate for you your sins, and forgive you, and Allâh is the Owner of the Great Bounty. (Al-Anfal 8:29)
أصول السنة عندنا التمسك بما كان عليه أصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم والاقتداء بهم، وترك البدع، وكل بدعة فهي ضلالة وترك الخصومات، وترك الجلوس مع أصحاب الأهواء
The Fundamental Principles of the Sunnah with us are: Holding fast to what the Companions of the Messenger of Allaah (sallalaahu alayhi wasallam) were upon. Taking them [and their way] as a model to be followed. The abandonment of innovations, and every innovation is misguidance. The abandonment of controversies. The abandonment of sitting with the people of ahwaa (desires).
The Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said:
The superiority of the knowledgeable man over the worshipper in Islam, is like the superiority of the full moon over the rest of the planets. And the scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets, but the Prophets did not leave behind wealth but they left behind knowledge. And whoever takes firm hold of this is a very fortunate man." (Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah, Tirmidhi)

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May Allaah have mercy upon you. Know that the Religion is what came from Allaah, the Blessed and Most High. It is not something left to the intellect and opinions of men. Knowledge it is what comes from Allaah and His Messenger, so do not follow anything based upon your desires and so deviate away from the Religion and leave Islaam. There will be no excuse for you since Allaah's Messenger explained the Sunnah to his Ummah and made it clear to his Companions and they are the Jamaa'ah, and they are the Main Body (as-Sawaad ul-A'dham), and the Main Body is the truth and its followers. So he who contradicts the Companions of Allaah's Messenger sallallahu alaihiwasallam in any of the affairs of the Religion, then he has fallen into disbelief. (Sharh As Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree)