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Following the Quran and Authentic Sunnah with the understanding of the Salaf-us-Saalih








By  Shaykh Abool-‘Abbaas ‘Aadil bin Mansoor 

Summarized notes from the Shaykh’s explanation 1 and rendered

into English by  Aboo Sufyaan ‘Uthmaan Beecher





Ash-Shafaa’ah (The Intercession) is from the masaa’il of al-I’tiqaad (the correct ‘Aqeedah), and the Prophet () informed us about it (as comes in the authentic ahaadeeth). 

Ahlus-Sunnah mention in their books those matters which distinguish and differentiate between the ‘Aqeedah of Ahlus-Sunnah and the innovated beliefs of the people of innovation.  They did not mention the commonalities that all of the Muslims agree upon.  Rather they mention the issues that distinguish and separate between them.  And by mentioning these issues that distinguish and separate (between Ahlus-Sunnah and ahlul-bid’a), the distinction between Haqq and baatil is increased.  

4739 – “My Shafaa’ah is for Ahlul-Kabaa’ir from my Ummah”      


1  17 March, 2008/9 Rabee’ al-Awwal, 1429 in Kuwait



{ Sulaymaan bin Harb narrated to us; Bastaam bin Hurayth narrated to us; from Ash’ath al-Huddaanee; from Anas bin Maalik; from the Prophet (), he said:  (( My Shafaa’ah is for the people who committed the ma jor sins (AhlulKabaa’ir) from my Ummah )) } 2 

The Shaykh (ﺣﻔﻈﻪ اﷲ) explained: 

If one hears the people mention ash-Shafaa’ah, what most of them mean is that tremendous event, when the people are raised up, and they look for someone to intercede for them, and they go to the different Prophets, each one saying “nafsee, nafsee (I fear for myself, I fear for myself)”, until they come to Allaah’s Messenger Muhammad ().  He () will say “ It is for me, it is for me ”, and will come and seek Allaah’s permission and will prostrate underneath His ‘Arsh, until Allaah says: “(Muh ammad!) Raise your head! Ask and your request will be granted! Say and your saying will be listened to! Intercede and your intercession will be accepte d!”  Then he will begin to intercede ().  This is the Greater Intercession (ash-Shafaa’ah al-A’tham, or Shafaa’atul-’Uthmah).  Everyone agrees with this Shafaa’ah, even the Mu’tazilah.  No one rejects it.  So this is not the Shafaa’ah that Ahlus-Sunnah refer to in their books. 

The Shafaa’ah that is mufaariqah (that distinguishes and separates [between Haqq and baatil]) is the Shafaa’ah for the people of ma’aasee (sins), for AhlulKabaa’ir (the Muslims who committed the major sins).  The people of innovation reject this Shafaa’ah!  The Khawaarij and Mu’tazilah oppose this. 

So the first hadeeth that Aboo Daawood narrates is a clear hadeeth in the separation and distinction between Ahlus-Sunnah and ahlul-bid’a.  And this hadeeth is a thorn in the throats of the Khawaarij and Mu’tazilah! 

Some of the Salaf mentioned ash-Shafaa’ah as an independent chapter in their books – the Shafaa’ah al-mufaariqah!  And our Shaykh, Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee (رﺣﻤﺔ اﷲ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ و ﻏﻔﺮ اﷲ ﻟﻪ) compiled an entire book in the issue of ashShafaa’ah.

2  Declared saheeh by ash-Shaykh al-Albaanee





The Mu’tazilah called Ahlus-Sunnah “Murji’ah” in the issue of ash-Shafaa’ah.  One of their heads, al-Qaadee ‘Abdul-Jabbaar al-Mu’tazilee said that ashShafaa’ah is for the taa’ibeen (those who repent) and the “Murji’ah” (AhlusSunnah) say it is for the people of sins. 

So the entering of Ahlut-Tawheed into the Fire (due to sins) is a refutation of Murji’ah, and their being taken out of it is a refutation of the Khawaarij and Mu’tazilah.  

4740 – “A people will be taken out of the Fire due to the Shafaa’ah of Muhammad…”  



{ Musaddad narrated to us; Yahyaa narrated to us; from al-Hasan bin Dhakwaan; Aboo Rajaa’a narrated to us; he said: ‘Imraan bin Husayn narrated to me from the Prophet (); he said:  (( A people will be taken out of the Fire due to the Shafaa’ah of Muh ammad, so they will enter Jannah, and they will be called al-Jahannamiyyeen )) } 3 

He mentions here () the different types of people as is related to the issue of ash-Shafaa’ah.  

4741 – “Indeed the people of Jannah will eat in it and drink”

3  Declared saheeh by ash-Shaykh al-Albaanee




{ ‘Uthmaan bin Abee Shaybah narrated to us; Jareer narrated to us; from alA’mash; from Abee Sufyaan; from Jaabir to us; he said: I heard the Prophet () say:  (( Indeed the people of Jannah will eat in it and drin k )) } 4  

Ahlul-bid’ah reject these narrations with out any daleel, only the ‘Aql (intellect).  So they say that it is not right that Allaah forgive those who disobeyed him.  And this is ‘Adl (justice) according to the Mu’tazilah!  They do not distinguish between that which has been promised (by way of punishment) and that which is threatened (by way of punishment). 



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