Following the Quran and Authentic Sunnah with the understanding of the Salaf-us-Saalih
By Shaikh al Anjaree
Shaikh al Anjaree on the one who returns from bid’ah
And so the Shaikh went on to mention that regarding the person who repents and returns from his bid’ah and even after he repents and returns from his bid’ah he’s not pushed to the forefront , he’s not pushed to the forefront of our daw’ah where goes and he is someone who is speaking and giving lectures and things like this. He’s not pushed to the forefront of the daw’ah rather he needs to sit in the back and it needs to be clarified and established that he has truly repented from his bid’ah. So a person doesn’t become hasty and pushes him to the forefront and say that he repented yesterday and today we push him to the forefront, no, the Shaikh said this is not the way of ahlul sunnah and so he says what affirms this meaning is what the ‘ulamaa like Shaikh al Islaam ibn Tamiyyah (raheemahullaah) and others have said regarding the issue of Abul Hasan al Ash’aree (raheemahullaah) in his book al-ibaanah, how he repented from his bid’ah, returned from his opinion but the ulama never pushed him to the forefront. He wrote his book al-ibaabah and he died, he repented and that was it, he was never pushed to the front of this daw’ah.