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Following the Quran and Authentic Sunnah with the understanding of the Salaf-us-Saalih







 "How We Look at Gaza" - Lecture by Shaikh Muhammad Al-`Anjaree (Hafidhahullaah)

Given via Annahj Radio on 09/08/2014 - Translated by Nabil Chogle and Adam Lazarus on twitter @annahjRadioEng
Annahj Radio English @annahjRadioEng


“I pray that this sitting is Mubarak and is a sitting in which the Sunnah is revived and bid`ah is killed without being worried of those who change or oppose or abandon. We will continue upon this way of reviving the Sunnah of Muhammad ( ).ﷺ

So my message to our brothers and sisters in Gaza: May Allaah have mercy upon them and make them from Jannat Al-firdaous.
They are thrown in chaos and killing without their choice! We ask all of Ahl-us-Sunnah to aid them with their wealth and speech.
We blame those who caused this suffering. We make du`aa like the Prophet did about the ones who gave a verdict without knowledge: “They killed him, May Allaah kill them"
The Prophet ( ) ﷺ didn't ask about their intent but he said this du`aa for the ones who caused the death by a wrong verdict!!
We say: "They killed him, May Allaah kill them!"
Indeed the Quran guides to that which is most upright- not to Hizbiyyah nor to democracy.
The Quran guides to following the Quran and the Sunnah and the understanding of the Salaf.
The Companion `Amr Ibn al-`Aas ( ) was the one who overtook Gaza, but the Raafidah Shi`ah curse him!!!
The king of Gaza called for a man from the Muslims to meet him alone!! So `Amr Ibn al-`Aas ( ) went to call him to TAWHEED!!!
This king was amazed at `Amr's wisdom and his Da`wah.
The Sahaabah put themselves in danger to call to Allaah's religion being uppermost, not to call to the beliefs of Raafidah Shi`ah, Nusayriyah nor democracy ..

The Heads of the Shi`ah proclaiming regarding Gaza: “This is our tremendous victory…”
Why do you think the Shi`ah are making this claim?
These Shia who are enemies to Ahl-us-Sunnah and its people.
These Shi`ah who curse the Companions like `Amr Ibn Al-`Aas, Aboo Bakr and `Uthmaan, they're enemies of the Sahaabah ( ).
Hamas who has this support from the Shi`ah of Iran and elsewhere, don't want the correct path.
The correct path is clinging to the Qur’aan and Sunnah and looking at the guidance of the Prophet (ﷺ) and his Companions ( ).
The Raafidah Shi`ah strive for the destruction of Gaza.
A Muslim is aware of his surroundings and situation.
A state of weakness is not shameful, it’s a bodily state that some Prophets and Messengers passed through.
In this state of weakness it doesn't necessitate to put oneself in harm’s way by harming his life and others.
Laziness is an enemy to the Muslim. We encourage all to work hard. The Prophet ( ) ﷺ sought refuge in Allaah from laziness by day and by night.

The Prophet ( ) ﷺ didn’t want the Kuffaar to be incited against him.
So we say to Hamas, you brought this harm and destruction upon Gaza.
Upon all is to follow the guidance of the Prophet (ﷺ) and weakness is not blameworthy
Sahaabah ( ) abandoned their homes to migrate to both Habashah and Madinah due to weakness.
Waajib to know for a person that they're responsible in front of Allaah, if they bring fitnah upon this Ummah.
Oh followers of Syyed and Banna, don't misguide then destroy the people with this false call to fighting and destruction and spilling blood.
Oh supporter of Hamas, you've been cultivated upon misguidance of Qutb and Al-Banna not the guidance of Muhammad ( ).ﷺ
Abandoning guidance of Muhammad ( ) ﷺ leads to trials and tribulation.
Hadeeth of Mu`aawiyyah ( ): "The rulership will not stop being among Quraysh, as long as they establish the religion.” [1]
The path of disgrace is in opposing the guidance of Muhammad ( )ﷺ , even if you choose democracy or other schools of thoughts.
Why do you find that after all this killing of the Muslims in Gaza, that the groups like Ihyaa’a At-Turaath and Ikwaaan say that: “We are victorious”?

Prophet Daniel ( ) said to his people: “Indeed you were defeated once you abandoned the correct religion of your forefathers”.
However many are killed in Gaza, Hamas still claims it to be a victory.
Those innovated groups will not admit defeat, no matter how much they are defeated and the loss of precious lives (that occurs).
Ahl-us-Sunnah admit defeat and that’s what Sunni Scholars are upon.
So you find the groups like Turaath and Ikhwaan, they don't want to be patient upon the correct way.
Ahl-us-Sunnah are hopeful from Allaah due to their patience.
The correct path is long and heavy, so it requires PATIENCE.
A false claim is that victory is not measured by deaths and loss, rather only by steadfastness.
False claims of victory by the groups: like an airport closed, shooting at thousands of people, suicide bombings, Israel losing money, factories burned, that they gave a bad image to USA…all those false claims of victory are to gain motivation amongst the masses and youth…

So we end this speech how we started: We strive to aid those who were forced into this chaos without their choice
Rather strive to reach out to those in need directly without any interference.”
[May Allaah reward our Shaikh Muhammad Al-`Anjaree for this tremendous talk and reminder Jazaakallaahu khair, we finish with that.]


[1] – Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree/ Book of Judgments:
“That while he was included in a delegation of Quraish staying with Muawiya, Muawiya heard that 'Abdullah bin 'Amr had said that there would be a king from Qahtan tribe, whereupon he became very angry. He stood up, and after glorifying and praising Allah as He deserved, said, "To proceed, I have come to know that some of you men are narrating things which are neither in Allah's Book, nor has been mentioned by Allah's Apostle . Such people are the ignorant among you. Beware of such vain desires that mislead those who have them. I have heard Allah's Apostle saying, 'This matter (of the caliphate) will remain with the Quraish, and none will rebel against them, but Allah will throw him down on his face as long as they stick to the rules and regulations of the religion (Islaam).” [Translation taken from]
Tweets compiled and slightly edited by Masjid Aboo Bakr As-Siddeeq (@SalafiyyahATL) and reviewed by Nabil Chogle (@nchogle)


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